Friday, January 21, 2011

Scandinavian goodies

Me and M. Lampe have been getting by coincidence, a lot of scandinavian goodies. As you can see on the photo we are laying on something mild and cozy with some scandinavian patterns, i guess that was our first acquisition. Then we changed our deodorant, toothpaste, sanitary pads (mine), and a lot of ´organic` food. We are avoiding all kind of chemicals in our life, and i guess in Scandinavia people are already into this for very long, because most of organic companies come actually from the North. 

Meanwhile, the company from our future sofa called me today in French! Well, I live in the North of Belgium and here, the official language is Dutch, and everybody speaks dutch too. And the lady was expecting me to speak a good French =p i know 4 languages good and still it was not enough to understand each other, because the only language she knew was a language i don´t know... damn, i need my retirement!

Oh almost forgot! today we had a difficult mission! We transplanted Adelaide to a bigger pot! The operation went good, and we expect to see Adelaide happier with her new `shoes`.




  1. The transplantation went good, now it's it's only hoping there will be no complications, but I don't think so, she's a strong tree.

  2. Oh Adelaide is brave, i am sure her roots will not refuse the new shoes =D love you! <3

  3. I'm sure her repotting went really well! That's such a sweet photo of you both, too. I'd love to visit the Nordic countries someday, they seem so clean and fresh, I guess kind of like their products!

  4. @Michelle, she is doing fine, but is still soon to know if she is acepting the new soil! Nordic countries rules :D!!!thank you for your comment!

  5. A propósito da Adelaide... e a Maria e o Tozé? Queres que tos traga quando tiver oportunidade? Acho que ainda estão vivos, ou pelo menos assim espero, caso contrário vou-me sentir culpada =\... A Clara amanhã já vai experimentar as fraldas novas, depois digo qualquer coisa! Daag!

  6. @joia A Maria e o tozé trago-os a proxima vez que for de bicicleta:D quase que me esquecia do casalinho ;D! depois diz-me se as fraldas sao fixes! eu ja estou com os pensos :D haha

  7. São todos chanfrados!!!! Eu sabia que na família havia alguns problemas de cabeça.... mas achava que era só nos homens!!!! Estou a brincar... Quer dizer são chanfradas..... mas umas chanfradas LINDAS!!!!!!!!!!!! PS Eu sei quem é a Adelaide... A Maria e o Tozé devem ser uns desgraçados que deixaste para a tua irmã cuidar!!

  8. Não conheces a tua própria TIIAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! Xana

  9. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh XANINHAAAA! pois éééé quem mais diz "chanfrados" ? ihihihih bijinhos GRANDES JA FALTA POUCO PARA VER A MICASSS!!


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