Thursday, January 6, 2011

was that a frie crossing the street?

Me and M. Lampe decided to start to eat healthier. We are what we eat, they say, and i don´t want to become a belgian frie. Imagine you´re walking on the street `la la la happy sunday` and you see a belgian small frie crossing the street?! yes...that frie could be me in one year, so in order to maintain this human shape, we ate tonight red cabbage .
uhnn about the photo, I am wearing on my lips, rouge coco in rivoli. I adore the new formula of this lipsticks! I first got mademoiselle and, really, i wear it a LOT :) and then my super cool sister offer me rivoli!
If you know me you know i normally dont expend money on make up (always stole it from my sister), because i normally don´t wear it, but since i found Rouge Coco... i use make up almost everyday!




  1. I think your humour is very acceptable ! Also, I think I will be a pizza crossing the street in 1 year. We should get a drink sometime soon since it has been aaages !

  2. Oh Jaaq! so cool, you read my blog :D yes i think a drink will be good for sure, let me just get over the first 3 exams! Pizzas are cool, specially the "pizza de Jaaq avec bière" :D

  3. hei sexy girl ;)
    Tenho uma capa de endredon igual a tua. ihih e morro de inveja pelos teus lábios, ficam lindos nessa cor!! muaaah


  4. Rosa-AverMELHADA!!!!!!!!!!!

    E ja agora.. tas a dizer que nao vais comer mais daquelas batatinhas fritas tao boas??! (se o fizeres vais perder o flamengo) haha :p

  5. aS Capas de edrodon do ikea rulam :D os meus labios sao super normais eu é que ando a brincar aos batons :D
    Olha Ricardo... nós já voltamos a comer batatas fritas depois deste post... que COISa!!!

  6. Pois já estava a ver isso a acontecer :D hehe
    é impossível estar por cá sem comer umas boas "french fries" hehe
    Eu tambem me disse que ia evitar.. mas é mesmo dificil :D haha
    Bem.. espero que tenhas gostado as batatinhas ;)
    Beijinhos ***


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